Meet the Volta Team at AGBT
Meet The Callisto™ Sample Prep System
Pre-optimized sample prep is now a reality. Callisto supports short- and long-read sequencing workflows, from nucleic acid extractions to sequencing-ready libraries. Be one of the first to see it in action at AGBT!
One System with a Wide Range of Applications
Callisto significantly reduces hands-on time, plastic waste and reagent usage, enabling labs to go from sample to data efficiently and quickly. Key highlights include:
- Benchtop instrument that requires no specialized skills or infrastructure to operate
- Push-button operation without compromising performance
- Pre-optimized apps for short- and long-read sequencing
- Flexible batch sizes of up to 24 reactions per run and improved scalability for low- and high-throughput applications
- Significantly reduces hands-on time, plastic waste, and reagent usage
- Mitigates risk related to manual sample handling
Check out the Volta Labs posters on display at AGBT
#521: Novel Digital Fluidics Platform for Rapid Sample Processing from Whole Blood to Library
#525: Automated Hybridization Enrichment of Hartwig OncoAct Panel
#527: Automated xGEN™ NGS Hybridization Capture and Wash Improves Consistency and Reduces Hands-on Time
#552: Digital Fluidics Enables Broad-based Access to Push-button NGS Sample Prep
#553: Digital Fluidics Simplifies NGS Library Prep in a Clinical Setting
Headed to AGBT in Orlando? Join the Volta Team in Suite Curacao 8 for some exciting events!
- Callisto Launch Party: February 6 @ 9pm
- Breakfast with Volta Labs: February 7 @ 8am
Brendan Blumenstiel, Broad Clinical Labs and Ewart de Brujin, Hartwig Medical Foundation
If you’re not going to be in attendance, we are now accepting orders for Callisto with shipments beginning Q2 2024.